100 Founders - Products and Tech Stacks

I made a post on Twitter asking founders about their tech stacks and got 100+ responses. Here is a quick overview that I compiled.

In today’s pick…

Startup Story

A friend and I were running a grocery delivery service in Toronto. One of the worst parts was having to place inventory resupply orders almost every night, as you have to deal with different vendor websites and emails.

We have a background in engineering, but automating this task was hard due to the small amount of decision making it involves (i.e We are out of diet coke, should we order this listing for a six pack of diet coke cans, or do we need diet coke bottles?)

That is until OpenAI’s davinci-003 was released. At that point, we decided to build a tool to automate the process. The MVP of this was a spreadsheet with davinci-003 commands, this was the start of usedouble.com and we applied and got early into Y Combinator’s Winter 2023 batch.



I made a post on Twitter asking founders about their tech stacks and got 100+ responses.

Here is a quick overview that I compiled.



Recently on my podcast Nudge, a guest told me a secret about pricing.

"The truth," Melina Palmer said, "is that pricing isn’t really about the price." Instead, it’s everything around the price. The framing, the offer, the brand. That’s what makes people buy.

This insight has been backed up by dozens of other behavioural scientists who I’ve interviewed for my show, and in hundreds of peer-reviewed papers I’ve read on the topic.

Simply put, offering a lower price isn’t the smartest way to improve your sales. Instead there are five other tips I’d suggest you try first.



Most of the people at the top leave long before they engage, buy or spread the word.

Which means that doubling your conversion is exactly the same as doubling the number of people who are aware of you.

Seth Godin’s blog

Humans are biased to perceive rhyming wisdom as more reputable, a phenomenon known as the "rhyme-as-reason effect." Rhymes, songs, and poems are easier to remember and recall than prose. However, we also judge rhymes as better and consider them more accurate, which is not always the case.


“Stuff” of the day

CopyCopter is a generative AI text-to-video tool that repurposes text content (blogs, newsletters, ideas or websites) into short, viral videos. Create and edit social media videos in a few seconds, no editing skills are needed.
