20 Ways To Absolutely F*ck Up Buying Your First Business

There are 3 traditional paths to making income: Working a job. Investing, usually stocks or real estate. Starting your own company. There’s a fourth path that’s long been overlooked… And it’s about to explode: Business acquisitions.

In today’s pick…


There are 3 traditional paths to making income:

Working a job.

Investing, usually stocks or real estate.

Starting your own company.

There’s a fourth path that’s long been overlooked… And it’s about to explode: Business acquisitions.


Startup Story

Marc Lou makes $100k per month selling a boilerplate. He was also Product Hunt 2023 Maker of the Year.

There's a lot to learn from any successful entrepreneur.

People often learn the wrong thing from Marc. They think it's his tech stack. Or that you should never spend more than a few days on a product. But they're learning the wrong things.

This is what you should actually learn from Marc



Competitive market research is a vital exercise that goes beyond merely comparing products or services. It involves an in-depth analysis of the market metrics that distinguish your offerings from those of your competitors.

A thorough market research doesn't just highlight these differences but leverages them, laying a solid foundation for a sales and marketing strategy that truly differentiates your business in a bustling market.


As a Frontend Developer, I need to focus on site performance as much as UI&UX. The reason is simple: reducing the bounce rate. Wait, bounce what? Yes, bounce rate. Bounce rate refers to when a visitor comes to your website and then leaves without interacting with other pages. It's an important metric because search engines like Google analyze your website based on several factors, and one of them is bounce rate.



This guide is focused on the very earliest stages of starting a WISP - determining feasibility up through connecting the first few customers. There are many challenges that will come up at 100, 1,000 or 10,000 customers that are not (yet) covered in this guide.

Cool stuff to get inspired

As startup founders, we’re constantly selling and we’ve realised that sales is actually pretty hard. Especially when you sell remotely because you don’t get to interact with your customer face-to-face.

We wore multiple hats as founders, with sales being the toughest of them all. From our conversations with hundreds of SDRs and AEs, it became clear that we weren’t alone in this struggle. We understood that sales reps more often than not ended up burning leads in this struggle.

But, who do you practice with? Practicing on real customer calls sounds risky - and you’d definitely leave some money 💸 on the table. You could ask your manager to roleplay as a customer and then get feedback on your pitch. This can get pretty awkward, pretty fast. Plus, sales managers are busy people. Who has the time ⌛️?
