The Best Times to Post on Social Media in 2024


“According to a survey conducted by CoSchedule of 30,000+ brands, the best times to post on social media are 7:00 PM, 3:15 PM, and 8:41 AM. The best days to post are Fridays, Wednesdays, and Mondays.”


Startup Story

“This was my product's first full month. It's not a lot, I know. As an email marketer, I charge $150 per hour. But making money with a product rather than a service for the first time feels nice.”



“Four months ago I started selling AI generated fetish nudes as a little side hustle/experiment. I am currently at 29K followers on my socials with about 1M in reach monthly. My Patreon has averaged $600/month profit with $400/month in recurring subscribers. There is a percentage that are one-and-done customers that don't renew.”



“You aren’t famous. Anything you do or create will probably receive little to no attention, so stop optimizing for a non-existent audience and instead focus on what makes you enjoy the activity.”

“… That may sound extreme, but again, this is why it is useful to look to media first: Brownlee — one man, who started out by reviewing a media center remote on his HP laptop — does in fact hold the fate of entire companies and products in his hand.”
