11 Marketing Channels That Consistently Work for Founders

"I've analyzed all 497 founder interviews on Indie Hackers and uncovered the marketing channels that worked consistently for founders."


I've analyzed all 497 founder interviews on Indie Hackers and uncovered the marketing channels that worked consistently for founders. After I finished my analysis, I started the User Acquisition Channels series to provide insights on each channel.


Startup Story

Linkedin, however, differs enough from other, more short-term, dopamine-thrill focused platforms such as X, TikTok, or (nowadays) even Youtube. Its inherently more professional, knowledge-sharing foundation makes it so that things that would work on these other platforms often fail to stick the landing on Linkedin.



… I think you get the idea. Myriad companies big and small, native or web, and none are safe from text-centering problems.



Sometimes, we’re so afraid of creation that we don’t even leave blank pages around.

Seth Godin’s blog


There's a very specific reputation I want to have on a team: "Nat helps me solve my problems. Nat get things I care about done.”


Cool Stuff

Hey HN! I'm from Brazil and I created Term Typer to help my little brother learn other languages while practicing his keyboard typing skills. We've found it super helpful and fun. Feel free to try it out and let me know your thoughts and feedback. Thanks a lot!

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