đź“° 50 Cold Email Statistics: Why You Need to Start Cold Mailing Today

You can reach out to literally anyone in the world through cold emails.

📰 In today’s pick…



Ever since there has been high school, there has been the instinct to read the Cliffs Notes. The internet took this idea, added a gratuitous semicolon and perfected Too Long; Didn’t Read. This is the mistakenly proud assertion that we are far too busy and too important to read the whole thing, we skimmed a summary instead.

At first glance, it seems as though AI is good at this.

Why read four pages when you can read a few bullet points instead?

Or why bother sitting through Waiting for Godot, when the summary gives away the plot: “Two men, Vladimir and Estragon, wait for the enigmatic Godot. They engage in meandering conversations and encounter other characters, but Godot never arrives, underscoring the absurdity and futility of existence.”

TL;DR is defensive. Not simply because it defends our time, but because it defends us from change and from lived experience. A joke isn’t funny because it has a punchline. It’s funny because something happens to us as the joke unfolds, and the punch line is simply a punctuation of that experience.

Editor notes: We’re all living too fast, and I’m trying to bring reading back

Seth Godin’s blog



“It's important to not fully automate everything away and make sure your content remains human and authentic,” says Bolus.

He explains, “Let AI handle the legwork of information processing and rough drafting to match your tone, style, and format, but make sure to put on the final edits and make the necessary adjustments so the content itself does not lose your authenticity.”




While there is no hack to growth hacking, the AARRR framework designed by Sean helps in giving a structure to the growth of a company.

This framework is also quite popular among product-led businesses to measure growth.

It breaks down the user journey into five key stages, each represented by a letter in the acronym

Startup Story


James: How did you grow Simplenet to $11k/mo?

Andrei: Most of our growth was, and still is, organic.

James: How are you pulling that off?

Andrei: We started small, with almost no budget, so we focused on customer care. That led to some word of mouth, which provided good growth.

We were also the first company in Romania to offer specialized WordPress hosting, so we ranked number one on that keyword in Google for several years. That was good for growth until the big players caught on and pushed us down in the SERP.

James: Did anything other than first-mover advantage help with your ranking?

Andrei: We create as much content as possible, such as documentation, case studies, tutorials, reviews, and honest opinions based on our experience testing different tools and services.

This gives us decent growth, although slow. We’ve found that this works best for us.




You can reach out to literally anyone in the world through cold emails.

While this may sound simple, knowing how to optimize your cold emails is crucial as the email recipients might not even know who you are and what you do.

This is where understanding some cold email statistics can help you ensure you don’t leave any stone unturned.

Cold emails can change lives— in fact, a single cold email changed mine.

Why trust me? In 2022, I joined beehiiv as a writer through a cold email. (more tips from me on this at the end of the article).

Beehiiv Blog

Startup Story


This past year+ I made a series of mistakes, got demotivated, and nearly killed the business.

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