Why you almost never see a clock at the mall

When designing their layouts, malls took a cue from an industry that has perfected the art of separating people from their money: casinos.

In today’s pick…

Startup Story

The major inspiration from the early concept of Mac app Rewind and Black Mirror S1E3 "The Entire History of You" where characters record everything from their eyes, aiming to rewind or search everything that appeared on your computer screen.



Now, before you start thinking this is another ‘get rich quick’ spiel, let me stop you right there. I’m not here to sell you dreams; I’m here to talk strategy. As someone who’s navigated these waters (with over 520,000 subscribers to show for it), I’m going to give you my straight-up, no-nonsense, no-BS guide on how to become a YouTuber.



In the 2024 HubSpot State of Marketing Report, we found that short-form video is the number one format marketers are using and will see the most growth in 2024.

What's more? Short-form video has the highest ROI of any social media marketing strategy in 2024.



Looking at the usage numbers of the GPTs, they brought in organic users to the site with a conversion of just over %6. (I say approximately because OpenAI doesn't share the exact usage numbers of the GPTs)

While the traffic here wasn't very high, what surprised us was this: among the sources of organic traffic to Adsby, GPTs were the top 3 in terms of conversion rate. (The metric for conversion being the initiation of a free trial)


This paper describes how the performance of AI machines tends to improve at the same pace that AI researchers get access to faster hardware. The processing power and memory capacity necessary to match general intellectual performance of the human brain are estimated. Based on extrapolation of past trends and on examination of technologies under development, it is predicted that the required hardware will be available in cheap machines in the 2020s.



When designing their layouts, malls took a cue from an industry that has perfected the art of separating people from their money: casinos.
