đź“° How we built an AI learning community and made $225k in 6 months

When I'm looking at the prompting market I see 90% snake oil salesmen 10% real competition. We figured we'd take the hard road: outteach EVERYONE. Not by content but by customer satisfaction that starts at the first time they meet us.

📰 In today’s pick…

Startup Story

When I'm looking at the prompting market I see 90% snake oil salesmen 10% real competition. We figured we'd take the hard road: outteach EVERYONE. Not by content but by customer satisfaction that starts at the first time they meet us.



This guide shares an overview of 11 standout digital marketing campaigns from companies like Zappos, Nike, Mint, Swiggy, Spotify, Always, Airbnb, Cred, Red Bull, Tanishq, and Tide.

It highlights the key elements that made these campaigns successful: personalized engagement, inspiring action, mastering content marketing, interactive social media campaigns, user-generated content, emotional storytelling, and innovative approaches.



In a world where technology gets quickly commoditized, all you're left with is distribution!

And that's even more relevant now in the context of the AI business models.

Indeed, unless you are a foundational layer player (like OpenAI), it's very hard to build a sustainable moat without building your own distribution strategy.


After iterating multiple times, implementing advanced agentic workflows, and testing with dozens of lawyers, we’re certain that the product has glaring limitations and it won’t replace any jobs soon. However, we figured out an unintuitive, LLM-only method of doing RAG, and we leveraged it to make LLMs answer complex questions about select EU regulations.


Indifferent overhead is just as it sounds–the money you’re spending that isn’t noticed by the people you serve.

Seth Godin’s blog


OK so this doesn’t count as a real post. I’m just a little intrigued here. In the Gospel of John (the weird gospel) Jesus washes the feet of his disciples, including Judas. This has been mined to great effect, particularly by those who suggest that in fact Judas was the greatest disciple because he was the one who was willing to do what it took to provoke the sacrifice that completed the second covenant. Anyway, I was playing with an AI image generator, trying to get an image of Jesus washing someone’s feet. I had always thought that he had washed the feet of lepers specifically or poor people generally, but I can only find biblical evidence of him washing the disciples. In any event, the passage from John has long been seen as particularly evocative, and correspondingly has been a very common image in the history of Christian art…

And yet I can’t for the life of me get an AI to generate such an image. It’s odd.

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