How I hit the front page of r/OpenAI

"The usual advice to launch on Reddit is to post on the right sub and read the rules carefully. They are right but not enough..."

In today’s pick…


Sometimes, the source of the best idea comes from the person that knows least about a given topic. The novice is often able to find solutions the expert is blind to. It’s a compelling theory that even Steve Jobs was fond of: “There’s a phrase in Buddhism, ‘beginner’s mind.’ It’s wonderful to have a beginner’s mind.”


… I was captivated. I’ve never seen a growth story like this before—4.5x growth for a mature product, driven by a small handful of product changes, rooted in an innovative growth model, and explained in such actionable detail. I asked Jorge if he’d be willing to share (and expand on) the story with a broader audience, and I’m so happy he agreed. Many products already look to Duolingo for inspiration, and I suspect this story will only increase that trend.


The usual advice to launch on Reddit is to post on the right sub and read the rules carefully. They are right but not enough, so, I will share some unconventional tips here for getting featured on the front page of a sub.



However, when cash is scarce then creativity is abundant. The trick is balancing between having the VC cash so you can use it as appropriate to fuel growth, but staying smart and creative as if cash is scarce.


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