The ultimate guide to PR | Emilie Gerber (founder of Six Eastern)

Pitching the press is different from pitching customers—it’s not all about key metrics. Highlight angles that will resonate with their audience, like your founder story or the product’s user journey. Some reporters may be interested in your potential to disrupt incumbents.

In today’s pick…

Startup Story

The response rate from these messages was extremely high, and founders where happy to get some help from strangers. After writing 50 messages, I passed this task to my assistant. She was writing down all the names, links and email addresses of these people using Apollo. After 2 months we’ve had 1K+ leads and 500 already added us on LI. It’s very important to use 2-3 LI accounts for this, since during the launch day you will need to outreach all these people ,and LI might block you for high number of messages.


Every business can be distilled into a simple equation.

And until you can express your business as one, you don’t fully understand it.

Figuring out this equation forces you to think about the inputs that drive your business, the outputs you want to prioritize, and how these variables interact.


Pitching the press is different from pitching customers—it’s not all about key metrics. Highlight angles that will resonate with their audience, like your founder story or the product’s user journey. Some reporters may be interested in your potential to disrupt incumbents.

Many clients I work with want more organic traffic, but they don't want to create "SEO content". Google's (core) algorithms are constantly evolving, but the mechanics behind blue links have been static enough for SEOs to figure out the winning formula. Since Google Search is a zero-sum game with a clear winning formula, the majority of content converges towards an optimum, which means it looks the same.


Here’s one analogy on this. One thing that I think generally sucks about the mobile ecosystem is that you have these two gatekeeper companies, Apple and Google, that can tell you what you’re allowed to build. There’s the economic version of that which is like when we build something and they just take a bunch of your money. But then there’s the qualitative version, which is actually what upsets me more. There’s a bunch of times when we’ve launched or wanted to launch features and Apple’s just like “nope, you’re not launching that.” That sucks, right? So the question is, are we set up for a world like that with AI? You’re going to get a handful of companies that run these closed models that are going to be in control of the APIs and therefore able to tell you what you can build?


By promoting passion-seeking as the most morally valuable way to make career decisions, without addressing skyrocketing education costs, differential access to employment opportunities, and unequal social and cultural capital for garnering the skills and experiences necessary to succeed on the job market, academic institutions and the instructors and advisors therein simply perpetuate the socioeconomic inequalities that students entered college with.