📰 X in 2023: A Recap of Everything Marketers & Advertisers Need to Know

But despite all the uncertainty and changes, X still has great potential for both personal and business use. There are plenty of opportunities to stay informed and connect with the right audience.

📰 In today’s pick…



If you have ever considered joining a private tech company then the dream of making millions of dollars from your stock options at a pre-IPO company has probably crossed your mind.

This company could be the next Snowflake, Amazon, Tesla, etc….and if it is then my stock options will be worth millions!!!

While employee equity is a great way to potentially make a lot of money, there are a few things you really should understand first.

Here is what I will cover in this post:

Stock option basics

How to value pre-IPO equity

Benchmarks and insights

What to know about equity compensation and negotiations



Since starting my podcast back in 2019, I’ve spent almost 200 hours interviewing researchers, professors, and experts about persuasion.

I’ve asked them to share the scientifically proven-tactics that actually persuade others. Their findings are eye-opening.

Turns out, persuasion is fairly simple if you follow some scientifically-proven rules. Here are the three persuasion techniques you should use to get someone to act.


Startup Story


I started interviewing the people who manage the gyms I trained in, and identified a pain point with the software they use — it's generally bloated and outdated and feels like Windows 3.1 software. With my background in software development and user-experience design, I figured I could do much better and began working on an early prototype. To get more data points, I also tried asking on reddit — and overall the response was positive, though some people thought I was getting in over my head.

Start a business in a market you're deeply familiar with to increase your chances of success.

I had a lot of experience building SaaS products, so I knew that I could get something up and running by myself in the timeframe of a couple of months. I had a designer friend come up with the basic concept and style, and took it from there to create all of the flows in the app. During development, I kept showing my work-in-progress to gym managers in the area to make sure I was on the right path.

During this time I wasn't working or generating other income, just living frugally off of savings. I didn't have much of a budget for advertising or marketing, so I was doing everything myself. The goal was to bootstrap this project into profitability without taking outside money.




We all feel uncertain on the platform now, expecting new surprises (or shocks) every day. It seems that’s Musk’s way of leading X — keeping us on our toes.

But despite all the uncertainty and changes, X still has great potential for both personal and business use. There are plenty of opportunities to stay informed and connect with the right audience.




Most of the guides tell you to do the market research & you will eventually find the best buyer personas. And I say that is a mediocre advice to give because that’s just saying data is buyer persona.

No, Every piece of data that you get from market research & knowing your audience doesn’t help you to convert that buyer. If you understand the personas well enough, you will know what pain point to target and what to not.

That’s what the focus of this writing is helping you understand what matters & what doesn’t matter in building buyer personas.




The Internet and globalization have made competition more intense than ever – especially for tech businesses. Your competitors can come from anywhere in the world, and customers can instantly compare your product to a hundred alternatives.

This leaves many entrepreneurs wondering:

“How can I stand out in an overcrowded market?”

The answer is to stop striving to be better, and just strive to be different. As an example, let’s look at Happy Socks.

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